Oil Ring
A Kerosene oil ordering ring has been functioning in the area since 2010. The main aim is to get central heating oil at the best discount available by ordering as large a quantity as possible for delivery in one run of the tanker. The discount is usually 5-8p per litre but most importantly much time is saved by not needing to phone round for a quote. There is also the advantage that we get the group price even for 500 litre orders that would normally attract a premium.
A price is sent to members every 4 weeks and members will order and pay directly with our local partner oil company. For any house the minimum order is 500 litres and there is no maximum, so members can leave it until running low (about 1 month’s worth left in tank) or top up when the tank can take at least 500 litres. Oil prices are usually lower in the spring and summer, which is a good time for topping up.
The group is coordinated and monitored by Andrew Skea but ordering is done directly with the supplier when a delivery is required.
There is no need to be present, just leave the oil tank unlocked.
Each member will be billed separately, so an account with the supplier will need to be opened.
To join the group email Andrew on andrew@skea.co.uk or ring 07888 206020.
When ordering directly please follow the instructions below.
Aimee Ross
Tel: 01382 611164
Email: Aimee.Ross@johnston-oils.co.uk
Please specify that you want to order via the "Auchterhouse Buying Group" (mention my name if you like).