Auchterhouse Community


Auchterhouse Institute of Scottish Women's Institutes (SWI) meets on the 3rd Monday of every month, September to May, in the Village Hall at 7:30pm.

We are one of 39 institutes in the Angus Federation which stretches from Fowlis and Liff in the south to the top of Glen Esk. Each meeting is comprised of a short address to deal with announcements and any business, a speaker or craft workshop and supper (sarnies and cake) afterwards.

We are active in Federation competitions - curling, golf, quiz and Ruralympics to name a few. Each year, we hold a soup lunch in aid of CHAS and host the village Burns supper.

We have around 30-40 members aged from their thirties upwards, but would always love more. We are a very welcoming bunch so if you would like to join us, or even see if it is for you, please feel free to come along to any meeting.

For more information on upcoming meetings please visit our Facebook page