Auchterhouse Community

Sidlaw Regnal Circle

The meetings are held from September through till April every 2nd and 4th Monday in the month. These are held at the Murroes Kirk Hall at 7.30pm and on an occasion may be held at Auchterhouse.

Steward: Iain Baird, Tel - 01382 320435
Secretary: Ian McKay, Tel - 01382 380309
Treasurer: Graeme Cook, Tel – 01382 380242

We would be glad of any new members. We are a Christian organisation and welcome all denominations. The league, therefore, seeks to unite everyone in friendship, bound together by ties of loyalty, striving each in his or her own way, to achieve wholeness in thought and action. It believes in freedom of thought and speech and teaches understanding of the views of others. The Regnal League asserts its faith in Christ as the centre and inspiration of all its activities.